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Promoting talent: TU Clausthal awards Germany Scholarships - with the support of alumni

The award ceremony for the Germany Scholarships for the 2023/24 scholarship holders took place in January 2024 at the Clausthal-Zellerfeld Start-up Center on the Clausthal University of Technology campus.

University President Dr. Sylvia Schattauer presented the certificates to the scholarship holders. Numerous sponsors had traveled to the event to congratulate "their" students. Afterwards, a reception offered the opportunity to meet in person.

Students and sponsors benefit

Andrea Langhorst (Alumni Management) conceived the awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium. She is the contact person for companies and private individuals who would like to get involved in the scholarship. Since the first round in 2019, well over 100 students at Clausthal University of Technology have benefited from the scholarship. And there are also advantages for the sponsors: they come into contact with the specialists and managers of tomorrow at an early stage.

For the next funding period 2024/25, Clausthal University of Technology is asking interested sponsors to support the scholarship financially. Donors will receive a corresponding certificate and will be listed on the university's homepage with their consent.

Half of the funding for the Deutschlandstipendium comes from the federal government. The remaining funding is provided by companies and private sponsors.

This year's sponsors include A. Kayser Automotive Systems, ALD Vacuum Technologies, Berufsbildungswerk Philipp Jakob Wieland, ExxonMobil Production Deutschland, H. Butting GmbH & Co KG, Hans-Joachim Tessner Stiftung, Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann, N&H Technology, Siemens Mobility, Stiftung Stahlwerk Georgsmarienhütte, Taniobis, Sparkasse Hildesheim Goslar Peine and Volksbank im Harz. In addition, the graduate engineers Frank Stoffregen and Karl-Heinz Sauermann are also private individuals who sponsor scholarships. It is particularly important to the two TU alumni to support talented people: "This is how we invest in the future," says Sauermann.

(Photos and parts of the text: TUC Press Office)


(Photo: Press office of the TUC)