In 2014 and 2015, numerous graduates returned to their alma mater after 60 years. They were awarded their diamond diploma by the President of Clausthal University of Technology at a ceremony in the Aula Academica. In 2016, we were delighted to welcome the graduates of the 1956 graduating class, who were awarded their honorary diplomas in the "White Hall" of the former Oberbergamt. The academic ceremonies for the diamond diploma anniversary in 2017, 2018 and 2019 took place in August of each year in the "Oberbergamt", now the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology. The celebrations for the classes of 1960 to 1962 were held in the Aula Academica on August 25, 2022. The ceremony for the graduating class of 1963 also took place in the university auditorium.
You can find more details in the "Announcements" section of the Alumni Management and in the university's press releases.
The next academic ceremony
for the diamond jubilee of the diploma will take place
on Friday, August 16, 2024
in the Aula Academica
Beginning at 10:30 am (admission 10:00 am).
Jubilees from the year 1964 are cordially invited to attend.
If you are one of those celebrating their diamond jubilee in 2024, please contact Alumni Management in good time so that we can send you an invitation.
You are welcome to register using the form attached below.
Registration is required for participation and our preparation.
For more information, please call us on 05323/ 72-2160 or send us an e-mail:
Guests and accompanying relatives are very welcome.
The event is supported by the Verein von Freunden der Technischen Universität Clausthal e.V.

Andrea Langhorst, M.A.
Telephone: +49 (0) 5323/ 72-2160
Telefax: +49 (0) 5323/ 72-5555
Clausthal University of Technology
Adolph-Roemer-Str. 2a
38678 Clausthal Zellerfeld