Regional groups in Germany and TUC clubs worldwide

Clausthal University of Technology alumni, who work all over the world and across Germany, are to be offered the opportunity for personal exchange and networking at informal evening meetings held every six months or so.

The meetings should take place in companies, restaurants, selected pubs or other interesting locations (be it in the observatory or even in an alumnus' favorite pub). For further information or suggestions, please contact the Alumni Service of Clausthal University of Technology - and please register in the Clausthal University of Technology alumni database - so that we can contact you.

If you would like to set up a group yourself or are already networked with other Clausthal graduates in a city or country, we look forward to hearing from you: Andrea Langhorst, M.A. (Tel.: 05323/ 72-2160).

Meetings are planned in:
e. g. also in Munich, Stuttgart - please contact the Alumnimangement if you are interested.

Regional meetings have already taken place in Bremen, Hamburg, Koblenz, Düsseldorf, Berlin and Braunschweig .

Further TU Clausthal Alumni Clubs abroad are currently being set up.