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President awards "diamond diplomas"

60th graduation anniversary: The graduating class of 1964 at Clausthal University was honored in a very cordial and dignified setting.

The best came at the very end: graduate engineer Bernd Otto Haudan, one of the diamond jubilarians, sat down at the grand piano at the end of the academic ceremony and skillfully played the Steigerlied. The musical interlude went down extremely well with the 50 or so guests in the Aula Academica. Most of them joined in with the miner's song and reminisced about their student days in the Oberharz.

Even beforehand, during the event, memories of the early 1960s were kept alive. The Beatles played big back then. In 1964, Muhammad Ali became world boxing champion for the first time, Willy Brandt was elected leader of the SPD and the baby boom reached its peak in this country. The number of Clausthal students at the time was 1054, today there are around 3000.

Fascinated by the lifelong bond with TU Clausthal

University President Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Schattauer informed the 20 jubilarians and their companions about how Clausthal University of Technology is positioning itself in the present: "Clausthal University of Technology is a university of the future with a clear focus on the circular economy. This is one reason to continue to choose our international, interdisciplinary university." Ms. Schattauer also told the graduating class of 1964: "I am fascinated by their lifelong commitment to Clausthal University of Technology. It must be our goal to maintain this feeling among the new students as well."

The university also receives support in terms of networking from the Friends of TU Clausthal Association. On behalf of the association, Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mecke welcomed the diamond diploma students, who had come from all over Germany and even Turkey. "There was also excellent cohesion between teachers and students back then," reported graduate engineer Nikolas Freiherr von Oldershausen, who gave the speech for the 1964 class and shared anecdotes from Café Fischer. The conclusion of his remarks: You can get through the world with a degree from Clausthal.

With a degree from the Oberharz called to higher things

Prof. Jens-Andrè Paffenholz then gave an insight into the current world of research in his lecture "3D point cloud-based monitoring of natural anthropogenic structures". Afterwards, the University President personally presented each jubilarian with a certificate. And the gentlemen told how they had once come to Clausthal, what is special about the university or how their professional careers had developed. The answers were similar: Clausthal had a very good reputation then as it does now, what was special about the university was its strong practical focus and with a degree from the Oberharz, you were destined for higher things.

The cheerful atmosphere of the celebration, which was organized by Andrea Langhorst (Alumni Management) and accompanied by music from TU student Hosea Simanjuntak, continued at the champagne reception with snacks. Current students and representatives of the professors were also present. Afterwards, the Institute of Metallurgy (foundry technology) offered a tour. Dr.-Ing Ahmet Cevdet Altun, the diamond diploma student from Turkey, provided the fitting closing words: "Clausthal is something like my second home."


You can find the photos of the press release from the TU press office here:
