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Many former Clausthal students live and work in the greater Hamburg area. To ensure they don't lose touch with their alma mater, a regional group was set up that meets regularly for after-work beers and company tours. The photo shows part of the Clausthal group that met in March 2019.

The very first Clausthal regulars' table in Hamburg in 2016 was a complete success.(More)
Alumnus Dipl.-Ing. Peter Schömann and alumna Svenja Dreger were recruited as local contacts for the meeting in the Hanseatic city.

The next regulars' table and the next after-work meeting in Hamburg will take place after the coronavirus pandemic.

Alumni P. Schömann and S.Dreger as well as Andrea Langhorst from TUC Alumni Management
are looking forward to good networking. The alumni and guests will be informed about the latest developments at Clausthal University of Technology. The table is recognizable by the TUC flag. Current TU Clausthal students are of course very welcome. Participation is free of charge - but participants pay for their own food and drinks.

Please register by e-mail:

Even if you have not been able to attend the previous dates but would like to receive invitations to future Hamburg meetings, please call us or send us a short message by e-mail to:
